
Guatemala Friends Meeting and Redwood Forest Friends Meeting are both members of Pacific Yearly Meeting. The Guatemala Scholarship Program receives both financial and moral support from the Latin American Affairs Committee of PYM.  Click here to go to Pacific Yearly Meeting >>

Although neither of our meetings is formally linked to Friends General Conference we are regular attenders of the annual summer Gathering where we sell Guatemalan materials and provide information about the Guatemala Scholarship Program in exhibits and other formats. FGC provides a wide variety of support services to un-programed Quaker Meetings including Quaker Finder, which lists Quaker meetings all over the U.S. and beyond, and Quaker Quest, a program designed for seekers who would like to clarify their own beliefs and find out more about Quakerism.  Click here to go to Friends General Conference >>

For for more information about Quakers and links to all of the major Quaker organizations throughout the world click here to go to Quaker.org >>

Below are additional links to other Quaker projects in Latin America: